Series, 4 episodes
Premiere: October 25, 2018, Domashniy channel
Genre: Detective
Directed by: Denis Eleonskiy
Screenwriters: Galina Sal'garelli, Elena Serova
D.O.P: Yaroslav Protsko
Production design by: Vitaliy Sash'ikov
Produced by: Natalya Klevtsova, Stas Dovzhik, Ulyana Shabelnik (executive) Starring: Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Genadiy Smirnov, Sergey Parshin, Maria Valeshnaya, Elena Radevich, Elena Simonova, Valeriy Kuhareshin, Roman Gribkov, Vladimir Krilov, Anton Bagrov, Anna Tabanina, Denis Eleonskiy, Victoria Zabolotnaya.
All relatives and friends of the family gather for the celebration. Margarita asks Oleg to keep an eye on the guests. He looks at the crowd and realizes that everyone may be interested in the death of the housefather: an old friend with a mysterious chaperon, a young mistress, and even a faithful maid. During the next night after the party, the murder occured, but someone else became a victim. Oleg will have to unravel the fatal tangle of family secrets and make the suspects remove all of their masks...